Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prize winners!

Getting the Point(s) Prize: Heather MacLeod, (17.5 points.)
“I think I'm a diehard birder now!” –Heather MacLeod.
*This prize is for the birder who gets the most points based on the points system in the bird list.
Prize-Eton wind up radio/ charger/ flashlight from MEC

Not Getting the Point(s) Prize: Allen Richardson, NS Power. (Thanks for being such a great sport, your efforts are greatly appreciated.)
*This prize is for the birder who gets the least points based on the point system in the bird list. (Hint: Not a sought after prize)
Prize-Audubon bird call from FTB Nature shop

The Birder with the Most Prize: Joanne Bernard, Alice Housing. (11 species from the list.)
“I must say that for a city girl who hates anything to do with outside and nature, I really enjoyed this and I am glad I tried something outside of my comfort zone. I even bought a couple of birdfeeders and now enjoy them on my deck…” –Joanne Bernard
*This prize is for the birder who tallies the most species on the list, but not necessarily the most points.
Prize-Thayer birding software from FTB Nature Store

The Birder with the Least Prize: Costas Halavrezos, Mar. Noon, CBC. (It was a tight race, thanks for all the support.)
“I know there are loons in Lake Micmac… but perversely, they've stayed out of sight when I've been there. And after all these years of lovingly caring for their likenesses on the one dollar coin...some gratitude.” –Costas Halavrezos
* This prize is for the birder who tallies the fewest species on the list, but not necessarily the least points. (Hint: Not a sought after prize)
Prize-Winged migration DVD from FTB Nature Shop

The Longest Spring List Prize: Sandy Greenburg, Razzmatazz. (41 species in total.)
*This prize is for the birder who sees the most species. We encourage birders to keep a list of all the birds they see, not just the 20 on the list.
Prize-$25 Gift certificate FTB Nature Shop

CO2 not for U Prize: Nick Wilkinson, Gypsophelia. (Biked over 300 Km douring the challenge; saw most of his birds on his biking ventures.)
*The birder with the smallest carbon footprint.
Prize-Eton wind up radio/ charger/ flashlight from MEC

The Dubious Twitcher Prize: Phlis McGregor, Arts reporter, CBC. (Phlis had some tough competition from John Dunsworth, but counting birds at the Museum takes the cake.)
*The birder with the most dubious sightings.
Prize-Binocular flask from Sweet Janes

The Extreme Birder Prize: John Allen, Propeller brewery.
“It was a fantastic trip and made all the more interesting by my new found pastime (though since I did my best work sitting on a raft with a beer in hand, I think it was still technically “bird watching” as opposed to birding).” John Allen talking about his rafting trip down the Colorado River.
*The birder who went to the most extreme lengths without ruffling any feathers.
Prize-Pelican waterproof case from MEC

The Photography Prize: Andrew Younger, Counselor & Zoe Lucas, Sable Island
*The birder who takes the best picture of a bird during the Challenge.
Prize-Hair cut from the Foxey Moon Hair Gallery. (A. Younger's Plovers, & Z. Lucas' Ipswich Sparrow.)

The For Our Birds Prize: Susan Leblanc-Crawford, Zuppa Circus.
1. talking all the time about the challenge (not difficult for me...)
2. I became a member of the EAC (finally!)
3. I sent a Facebook message about the challenge with links to the EAC's website and the list of things people can do to help the birds to the Zuppa Circus group - 723 members!
4. I posted info on the Zuppa Circus Facebook group, and on our website
5. I am about to write to Howard Epstein, my MLA....
“Thanks so much for asking me to be a part of the challenge! It has been really great, and I am totally excited to continue birding and to learning more about birds in Nova Scotia... I had a great time watching and marveling at the diversity of the species.” –Susan Leblanc Crawford.
*The birder who does something for the birds during the Challenge.
Prize-Acupuncture treatment, Frank Taussig

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