Thursday, April 9, 2009

Early birds

On Monday I got a close up view of an eagle (on a front lawn in Pictou Co., chowing down on some unfortunate small, furry critter), and spotted a grey jay in the tree outside my house upon my return to Halifax, which I'm told is pretty rare in the city. Unfortunately, I won't be counting these since it was two days before the challenge started, but I'm taking them as healthy signs of things to come. I'm also keeping an eye out for the raven that likes to hang out in the trees around the Herald building at the Armdale Roundabout (probably keeping an eye on the local squirrel population), but he's been scarce since the challenge started, I think he knows something. Hopefully I don't see him "nevermore".

On Sunday I'm off to the Salt Marsh Trail in Cole Harbour to spot some waders/shore birds. Better get me some new binoculars...

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