Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We had a great weekend for birding; I had much fun at the beginners bird walk, Saturday at the Frogpond. We saw american goldfinches, kinglets, (golden or ruby-crowned, I can't remember,) a noisy flicker, palm warblers, a raven, crows, grackels, song sparrows, hairy woodpecker, red-breasted nuthatches, blue jays, robins, several pairs of chickadees hollowing out their nests in dead burch trees, (see Stephen Cooke's photos,) and painted turtles out on the rocks sunning themselves. (smart turtles.) Also mallard and black ducks.

Saturday afternoon in Ketch Harbor I saw a great black-backed gull, morning doves and more song sparrows.

Monday I went back to the Frogpond to try photographing the chickadees; they were nowhere to be found. I did see the same noisy flicker, sparrows, 4 racoons cramed into a very small dead tree, all groweling and fussing at one another, and what I think was a bunch of yellow-rumped warblers... Mon afternoon I saw my first ospray hovering but not diving.

Tuesday morning my son and I saw a purple finch on the way to school.

...Photos on the way.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention the raven I saw Tue morning, the poor thing was pinned in a tree with crows all around dive-bombing and making a racket.
